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Everest Base Camp Trek Permit Cost

Everest base camp trek is in the Sagarmatha national park. It is a natural UNESCO world heritage site in Nepal. Every trekker from all around the world and even from inside Nepal needs to have a national entry permit for the Everest base camp trek. It means, every trekker should have to issue an Everest base camp trek permit to trek legally to this trekking trail.

There are two different entry permits for the Everest base camp trek. The trekking trail to the Everest base camp remains in Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality. So, trekkers need to issue rural municipality entry permit and national park entry permit while doing the Everest base camp trek. See here in detail about those two different Everest base camp trekking permits. If you are doing the Everest base camp helicopter tour, you don't need to have the permits.

Sagarmatha National Park Entry Permit

Everest base camp trek regular permit is the national park entry permit. This trekking permit can issue from National Park Office Bhrikutimandap Kathmandu or Monjo on the way to the Everest base camp. Most trekkers issue their national park entry permit in Monjo on the second day of the Everest base camp trek while trekking towards Namche Bazaar from Phakding.

It costs 3000 NPR for each trekker expect the trekkers from South Asian countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Srilanka, and the Maldives. It costs 1500 NPR for those trekkers. Internal trekkers from Nepal also have to issue national park tickets but, it only costs 100 NPR.

Pasang Lhamu Rural Municipality Entry Permit

Another Everest base camp trek permit besides national park one is to enter to Pasang Lhamu rural municipality entry ticket. It needs to issue at Lukla. Pasang Lhamu ticket costs 2000 NPR for all trekkers. Even the south Asian trekkers also have to pay the same as the trekkers from other countries.

Pasang Lhamu entry ticket system was not existing before. It just started a few years back when the country’s formation has changed.

What About Trekkers Information Management System (TIMS) card?

Trekkers’ information management system card is operating from Nepal Tourism Board (NTB) to keep the data of the trekkers to the mountain. Trekking Agencies Association of Nepal (TAAN) is also collaborating with NTB for this. It was compulsory before when there was no system of issuing Pasang Lhamu tickets. After applying for a rural municipality entry ticket, TIMS has canceled.

Beautiful Everest base camp trekking journey is a 12-days mountain trip. It starts with a short scenic flight to Lukla from Kathmandu. After landing at Lukla airport, you will start to trek to Phakding. Trekking to Phakding is not a long day so you only walk around 3-hrs.

After sending the first night in Phakding, you will trek to Namche Bazaar, Tengboche, Dingboche, Lobuche, and Gorakshep before visiting the base camp. Then, you will hike up to Kala Patthar on the following morning and start descending backward to Lukla. You will trek 3-days to arrive at Lukla then fly back to Kathmandu.

Stunning view of great Everest Himalaya, vantage viewpoints, wildlife, religious and cultural monuments, wildlife, and many more attractions attract visitors to the Everest base camp trek.

Autumn and spring are the best seasons for the Everest base camp trek. Autumn starts in September and stays until November. Although, the beginning of September still might have some rainy days. Attempting this trek after mid-September to November is highly suggested.

Winter is not a good season to trek to the Everest base camp but, the beginning of winter (December) offers the best weather in the Everest base camp region. Spring is a nice and warm trekking season starting from March to May. Late May could start the rainy season in Nepal. It is the main expedition season to Everest so, you will meet hundreds of climbers this season. You can finish the Everest base camp trek in 9 days. You will fly back on a helicopter from Gorakshep after visiting the base camp. It is the helicopter return Everest base camp trek. Ready to start the trek?